By Marie Prescott, DRB Clerk
It has been brought to the DRB's attention that there have been discussions about the upcoming Sketch Plan Review for the Round Barn project. To clarify, the process is as follows: The DRB meeting on Jan. 22 will have the Sketch Plan Reviews for both the new Town Library and the Round Barn project. The meeting will be in person at the Town Office and via Zoom starting at 6 pm. The applicants will present their project. The public will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments. If you would like Interested Party Status you must either speak at the meeting (either in person or by Zoom) or send in writing your comments/concerns. Interested parties have the right to appeal the decision. If you have additional questions on the process, please email [email protected]
By Janet Bonneau
The Grand Isle Free Library will be closed Dec. 24 and Dec. 25; open Dec. 26; closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1; open Jan. 2. By Ron Bushway
The Transfer Station is now open to residents of other towns effective immediately. Due to the increased cost of disposal fees, hauling cost and less revenues from recycling, trash and compost disposal prices are being raised. The Transfer Station operates off from tipping fees and not tax dollars, as not every Town resident uses the facility. The Transfer Station is located at 22 Hanson Lane off from Pearl Street. The increases are necessary for the transfer station to operate in the black and not lose money. By Les Gardner-Plant Manager/Operator
Grand Isle Fire District #4 Water District will be flushing the water lines and turning the valves between Nov. 6 and Nov. 23. If you experience any dirty water, turn on your outside hose and run until clear. |
44°42′45″N 73°18′19″W Town Website |